Annual and Semi-Annual Report Preferences

Beginning on January 1, 2021, per SEC Rule 30e-3, Mutual Fund Companies will have the option to no longer send Annual and Semi-Annual reports by mail unless you specifically request that they do so. Instead, Annual and Semi-Annual reports will be made available via a website and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report. This new regulation only pertains to Annual and Semi-Annual reports (it does not apply to prospectus delivery) and is not effective until January 1, 2021. You may record your election preference below.

If you have already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and do not need to take action.

Please note any information captured within this website is confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.
If you would like to receive an e-mail confirmation of your delivery preference, please provide your e-mail address.